How Do I Market Myself as a Lawyer?

If you’re a lawyer looking to set yourself apart from the competition, it’s important to have a good marketing strategy. However, not every law firm is capable of marketing themselves internally. For example, according to ABA Model Rule 7.3, it’s crucial that lawyers not “solicit professional employment from a prospective client” in person or via electronic means or telephone.
These sorts of regulations need to be followed if you’re to succeed without running into any trouble. Talking to a lawyer marketing firm like Nettra Media can ensure that you have the right information to execute the proper marketing strategy to really boost interest in your law firm. Beyond retaining a marketing agency to help improve your firm’s reputation, here are some other simple measures you can take to market yourself as a lawyer.
Set Up A Website
Having a website is important if you want potential clients to be able to find your business. With the right website, your name and law firm will show up in a user’s search results, making it easier for them to connect with you. The alternative to having a website is having results from other public information aggregators like GoLookUp beat you out in search rankings.
While GoLookUp certainly has its benefits in terms of helping others know that you don’t have a criminal record, it’s much better to use a website to represent you and your law practice. A website can showcase your services, rates, and even feature testimonials from past clients. All of this goes a long way in properly representing you and your brand as a lawyer.
Offer Useful Resources To Others
One other thing you can do on your website is to share helpful resources about your niche of law with others for free. Offering free resources shows that you’re committed to your practice and can even give others the knowledge and confidence necessary to choose your firm over a competitor.
Whether it’s a white page about steps to take after a car accident or a helpful infographic outlining how a courtroom proceeding works, there’s plenty that you can do to help others and expand your reach. Giving back to the community with these kinds of resources also shows that you aren’t just in it for the money, which can help create a more positive image of your law firm.
Serve On Boards And Network
Another way to get in front of prospective clients is to network. This form of indirect marketing can be tricky, but ultimately it will pay off with some practice. If you have a specific cause you’re passionate about, aligning yourself with an organization that serves that cause and serving on the board is one way to start broadening your network. Another way to network is to attend special events and other galas where you can meet other professionals and discuss your specific expertise.
When it comes to networking effectively, there are dozens of tips to keep in mind. However, of all of the tips to keep in mind when networking, the most helpful is to listen as much as you talk. Being a good listener shows others that you aren’t just looking to find clients but are actively engaged in making connections with others.
Ultimately, marketing your law firm comes down to appropriately marketing yourself. With the right approach, you can make a good impression on others while broadening your network and offering real value to others. Start by creating a website and then fill it with testimonials from other clients as well as useful information about your law practice, and you’ll be well on your way to attracting new clients and cases.