Syniverse and LG Uplus Collaborate to Offer First 5G Roaming Service between Korea and Finland

Syniverse Solutions Enable Mobile Operators to Launch 5G Roaming Service
TAMPA, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#Elisa—Syniverse, the world’s most connected company, announced today it is working with LG Uplus to offer a 5G roaming service with mobile operators around the world. As part of this, mobile customers of LG Uplus from Korea will be able to access Elisa’s 5G services while traveling abroad in Finland.
LG Uplus recently completed the world’s first commercial testing of 5G roaming in Finland. Elisa Finland’s 5G network is now available for LG Uplus customers, and 5G roaming service has been available on this network by LG Uplus since July 19. LG Uplus, in partnership with Elisa, Finland’s leading wired and wireless operator with more than 6 million subscribers, is providing 5G roaming service to its customers using LG Electronics V50 ThinQ smartphone in Finland. LG Uplus has launched the world’s first commercialized 5G service in Korea and is leading in wireless and wired technology with 13 million subscribers.
Syniverse is using its IPX Network as a core solution to enable LG Uplus’ 5G roaming service. The solution reduces complexity and delivers end-to-end quality of service to ensure roaming and interworking for mobile services, with a secure and reliable network connected to more than 750 mobile operators in over 150 countries.
Syniverse’s work with LG Uplus on its 5G roaming service builds on a long history of collaboration in which Syniverse has helped enable LG Uplus go to market with other industry firsts, such as voice-over LTE (VoLTE) roaming service.
LG Uplus plans to actively collaborate with other mobile operators around the world to gradually expand the number of countries where LG Uplus mobile users can enjoy seamless 5G roaming service. 5G service is rapidly becoming more prevalent around the world, which now includes more than 24 commercial services from mobile operators.
The Syniverse IPX Network and Diameter Signaling Service will serve as the bridge between 4G LTE and 5G since the two technologies will have to interoperate for many years to come. Syniverse provides active mediation services to allow a 4G mobile network to launch 5G roaming in markets ready for it, providing the critical 4G to 5G interoperability required for such roaming. Syniverse has also launched a 5G roaming hub and 5G signaling service to help mobile operators launch more advanced services based on the 5G stand-alone architecture.
Enabling cross-network 5G roaming for mobile users is the first step in delivering on the promise that 5G will ultimately foster larger ecosystems of industries and market sectors. A global survey by Heavy Reading shows that 59% of mobile operators expect to shift focus from subscribers to these business ecosystems. In addition, 77% said they expect to offer advanced 5G business services, which will power such innovations as smart cities, smart driving, healthcare systems, factory operations, and virtual reality broadcasting.
Syniverse offers a network readiness service for 5G as part of its Global Services product portfolio. Through its 5G Network Readiness Service, Syniverse evaluates a mobile operator’s network capabilities and their roaming partners to ensure seamless availability of 5G services for mobile users when roaming.
CLICK TO TWEET: Syniverse (@Syniverse), the world’s most connected company, & @LGUplus collaborate to enable #LGUplus to launch #5G #roaming service between #Korea & #Finland with @Elisa. #connectivity #syniverse
Supporting Quotes
- Dave Hongjun Choi, Director of Global Roaming, LG Uplus
“LG Uplus achieved a service innovation by providing the nation’s first unlimited data roaming plan, and a technology innovation by rolling out a 5G roaming service. LG Uplus will continue to offer the best roaming package plan and highest-quality services to exceed our customers’ expectations when they travel abroad.”
- John Wick, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global Product, Syniverse
“Syniverse is the world’s most connected company. We offer proven network connectivity technologies necessary to enable LG Uplus and Elisa to be the first to provide 5G roaming service in Finland and Korea. Syniverse’s high-performance IPX and Diameter Signaling Service solutions will facilitate the seamless availability of 5G services when mobile users roam, and this will in turn further accelerate the global adoption of 5G.”
- Paul Hodges, Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Syniverse
“When it comes to 5G in the business space, it will be imperative for business applications and systems to have global connectivity as their products move all around the world — from the factory floor to the end user. Consequently, it makes sense that mobile operators are looking to shift their business models to where revenue will be generated. The global mobility of things will become increasingly critical in our ever-growing connected world.”
Digital Assets
- [Photo] John Wick
- [Image] Syniverse logo
Supporting Resources
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- Read about John Wick.
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Syniverse is the world’s most connected company – we pioneer innovations that take business further. Our secure, global network reaches billions of people and devices. Our engagement platform powers the customized experiences of the future. And the millions of secure transactions we drive every minute are revolutionizing how goods and services are exchanged. We have always led companies to reimagine the boundaries of possibility. Today we’re delivering on opportunities with the power to change the world.
Kevin Petschow