MultiVu Adapts to Changing Media Landscape with Virtual Tactics for Comms Pros

NEW YORK, April 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — We acknowledge that many comms professionals are working extra hard to meet the needs of their clients (and employees) during this extraordinary time. To best serve the needs of our own community, MultiVu is offering a suite of virtual/remote communications tactics that we’ve adapted as a necessity, so they don’t require travel or in-person contact.
Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:
“As MultiVu turns 18 next week, I’m amazed to reflect on the innovations in our – and more importantly, our clients’ – worlds in just a couple decades. As we all continue to adapt to this global event, MultiVu has been implementing new ways to use existing technologies and produce content like never before. We’re grateful to everyone who continues to rely on us to be resilient for our clients and communities.”
– Kevin West, Senior Vice President, MultiVu
Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:
Content Creation (Videos, Animations, and Social GIFs)
If you’re crafting your messaging and decide you’d like to have video or social-ready imagery, we can help! Our team can assist you with repurposing older content, or we can work with you to create an animated video message and social GIFs. Need to make a new video entirely as you WFH? No problem! We can edit your clips into a produced video package. Take a look at our Smartphone Filming 101 video to get some best practices for filming on your smartphone.
Virtual Media Tours (VMTs)
A Virtual Media Tour (VMT) allows a spokesperson to participate in interviews with TV and radio stations across the country without leaving their home. A VMT reaches these stations via satellite, but by using Zoom or Skype as the intermediary. We can help you adjust your spokesperson’s lighting and background, check their tech and audio connections in advance, and support them throughout the tour.
In a March 23, 2020 survey of US consumers, local news sources were the #2 trusted source for COVID-19 news, second only to doctors and other healthcare professionals.1 If you need to get a COVID-19-related update to the public, the VMT connects you right with local news professionals, who can help get your message to your local audience.
Webcasting and Teleconferencing
Whether you had a conference that is transforming to an online event or you’re preparing for your earnings conference call from home, we have technology that can help you be successful. Our webcasts and teleconferences are designed to include speakers and participants from any location globally. Our team is always standing by during an online event, and we have a simple, no-cost solution for you to communicate with your team during the event without disrupting the main conversation.
RMTs (Radio Media Tours) and ANRs (Audio News Releases)
Did you know that radio reaches more Americans weekly than any other platform? Nielsen’s 2019 Audio Today Report says radio content reaches 92% of Americans weekly! If you’d like to reach these audiences with your audio content, MultiVu has several solutions. From pitching radio interviews to full-service audio production (which is all done over the phone!), to distribution on national networks, airings on local stations, and comprehensive reporting, we have radio solutions.
Communications Hub
We’ve seen the value in having our own COVID-19 Resource Hub – a place very specific to crisis communications that can house content quickly and serve as a landing page for that purpose. For clients who have a similar need, we are offering the Communications Hub. This product is designed to help brands/companies who have multiple pieces of content/news to distribute but a short window in which to get it built and distributed. It’s a lean landing page meant to be low-maintenance, fast, and functional.
The Communications Hub is intended as a temporary resource to house all collateral and deliverables you are creating so that your customers, employees, and journalists can access it all from one place. Whether your hub would serve as an internal or external home for general or crisis comms we can adapt for that.
MNRs (Multichannel News Releases)
If you don’t have multiple rounds of news but have collateral for one announcement, an MNR is an effective solution. We can build an MNR for you same day, housed all on one landing page so that customers and journalists can access your content in one centralized location.
Paid Media Placements
Once you have your content audience-ready, we can distribute it to folks where they’re most likely interacting right now: in podcasts, before/during/after their favorite streaming shows, on their phone, and online. 28% of B2B event marketers plan to reinvest their trade show budget into digital advertising. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, defining and reaching your desired target audience through digital ads is the next frontier in this new media landscape. We’re happy to set up a strategic consultation with you to customize a paid media placement plan.
Regardless of your situation, if you’re adapting your media strategy right now, we are here to support and guide you through figuring out what’s best for your situation. Contact us today.
About MultiVu
MultiVu is the strategic team at Cision dedicated to the creation and targeted distribution of creative content. Our award-winning and diverse pool of industry-leading talent are extremely passionate about partnering with our clients, bringing best-in-class stories and concepts to life, and getting those stories to the audiences who want to experience them most. To start crafting your story, visit us online at
1 Savanta, “US Consumer Pulse: Covid-19 Tracker Impacts on sentiment, behaviors, and outlook.” 23rd March 2020

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